Citrine Ring on metal base MIN-citrineringmb38a.jpg

Citrine Ring on metal base

Citrine Specimen on metal base citrine2.jpg

Citrine Specimen on metal base

XL Calcite Crystal Geode MIN-XLcalciteegeode02a.jpg

XL Calcite Crystal Geode

Zeolite Specimen with cut base MIN-zeolitecb31a.jpg

Zeolite Specimen with cut base

Zeolite Specimen MIN-zeolite32a.jpg

Zeolite Specimen

Pink Amethyst Specimen on metal base MIN-pinkamymb146a.jpg

Pink Amethyst Specimen on metal base

Pink Amethyst Specimen on metal base MIN-pinkamyonmb147a.jpg

Pink Amethyst Specimen on metal base

Pink Amethyst with cut base MIN-pinkamy24a.jpg

Pink Amethyst with cut base

Extra Quality Amethyst Druze with polished edge MIN-extraqualityamydruze49a.jpg

Extra Quality Amethyst Druze with polished edge

Cocada Pyrite Specimen MIN-cocadapyrite.jpg

Cocada Pyrite Specimen

Labradorite One Face Polished MIN-labradoriteoneface05a.jpg

Labradorite One Face Polished

Labradorite One Face Polished MIN-labradoriteoneface06a.jpg

Labradorite One Face Polished

Amethyst with Cacoxenite Specimen MIN-amethystcbcacoxenite01a.jpg

Amethyst with Cacoxenite Specimen

Polished Malachite Slice PG-malachiteslice19a.jpg

Polished Malachite Slice

Polished Malachite Sphere PG-malachitesphere15a.jpg

Polished Malachite Sphere

Polished Malachite Sphere PG-malachitesphere16a.jpg

Polished Malachite Sphere

Polished Malachite Sphere PG-malachitesphere17a.jpg

Polished Malachite Sphere

Amethyst Slice on metal base MIN-amysliceonmb01a.jpg

Amethyst Slice on metal base

Amethyst Slice on metal base MIN-amysliceonmb03a.jpg

Amethyst Slice on metal base

Amethyst Slice on metal base MIN-amysliceonmb04a.jpg

Amethyst Slice on metal base

Amethyst Slice on metal base MIN-amysliceonmb05a.jpg

Amethyst Slice on metal base

Lavender Amethyst Druzy cut base Specimen MIN-lavenderdruzycb01a.jpg

Lavender Amethyst Druzy cut base Specimen

Lavender Amethyst Druzy cut base Specimen MIN-lavenderamethystcb02a.jpg

Lavender Amethyst Druzy cut base Specimen

Pink Amethyst Polish Edge Specimen PG-pinkamethystpolishededge18a.jpg

Pink Amethyst Polish Edge Specimen

Amethyst Specimen on metal base MIN-amygeodemb51a.jpg

Amethyst Specimen on metal base

Amethyst Specimen on metal bas MIN-amygeodemb52a.jpg

Amethyst Specimen on metal bas

Amethyst Slice Wing Specimen MIN-amyslicewingsmb06a.jpg

Amethyst Slice Wing Specimen

Amethyst Church MIN-amychurch16a.jpg

Amethyst Church

MIN-amychurch17.jpg MIN-amychurch17a.jpg

Amethyst Church

Amethyst Church MIN-amychurch18a.jpg

Amethyst Church

Amethyst Church MIN-amychurch19a.jpg

Amethyst Church

Pink Amethyst Polished Edge Specimen MIN-pinkamycb23a.jpg

Pink Amethyst Polished Edge Specimen

Amethyst Polished Edge Specimen MIN-amycb49a.jpg

Amethyst Polished Edge Specimen

Amethyst Specimen with Polished edges MIN-amyspec50a.jpg

Amethyst Specimen with Polished edges

4" Polished Fluorite Point PG-4%22fluoritepointa.jpg

4" Polished Fluorite Point

3" Polished Fluorite Point

3" Polished Fluorite Point

Raw Kyanite Blade MIN-kyaniteblade07a.jpg

Raw Kyanite Blade

Raw Kyanite Blade MIN-kyaniteblade08a.jpg

Raw Kyanite Blade

Polished Fluorite Slice PG-fluoriteslice21a.jpg

Polished Fluorite Slice

Polished Fluorite Slice

Polished Fluorite Slice

Polished Fluorite Slab PG-flluoriteslice23a.jpg

Polished Fluorite Slab

Polished Fluorite Slice PG-fluoriteslice24a.jpg

Polished Fluorite Slice

Agate with Polished Edge on metal base MIN-agateonmb01a.jpg

Agate with Polished Edge on metal base

Agate with Polished Edge on metal base MIN-agateonmb02a.jpg

Agate with Polished Edge on metal base

Extra Quality Amethyst Druze MIN-extraamydruzy01a.jpg

Extra Quality Amethyst Druze

Polished Kambaba Jasper Point PG-kambabapoint01a.jpg

Polished Kambaba Jasper Point

Polished Sectarian Free Form PG-septarianfreeform01a.jpg

Polished Sectarian Free Form

Polished Smoky Quartz Obelisk

Polished Smoky Quartz Obelisk

Polished Malachite Box PG-malachitebox05a.jpg

Polished Malachite Box

Amethyst Druze Cupcake MIN-amycupcake01a.jpg

Amethyst Druze Cupcake

Extra Quality Amethyst Druzy Cupcake MIN-amycupcake02a.jpg

Extra Quality Amethyst Druzy Cupcake

Extra Quality Amethyst Druzy Cupcake MIN-amycupcake03a.jpg

Extra Quality Amethyst Druzy Cupcake

Amethyst Geode MIN-amygeode04a.jpg

Amethyst Geode

Fibrous Malachite Specimen MIN-fibrousmalachhite01a.jpg

Fibrous Malachite Specimen

Polished Malachite Bowl PG-malachitebowl01a.jpg

Polished Malachite Bowl

Extra Quality Amethyst on metal base MIN-amyonmb53a.jpg

Extra Quality Amethyst on metal base

Amethyst Geode on metal base MIN-amyonmb54a.jpg

Amethyst Geode on metal base

Amethyst Geode on metal base MIN-amyonmb55a.jpg

Amethyst Geode on metal base

Amethyst Polished Edge with cut base MIN-polishedamycb45a.jpg

Amethyst Polished Edge with cut base

Rainbow Amethyst on metal base MIN-polishedainbowamymb03a.jpg

Rainbow Amethyst on metal base

Rainbow Amethyst on metal base MIN-polishedrainbowamymb04a.jpg

Rainbow Amethyst on metal base

Rainbow Amethyst on metal base MIN-polishedrainbowamymb05a.jpg

Rainbow Amethyst on metal base

Rainbow Amethyst on metal base MIN-polishedrainbowamymb06a.jpg

Rainbow Amethyst on metal base

Desert Rose Specimen MIN-desertrose01a.jpg

Desert Rose Specimen

Desert Rose Specimen MIN-desertrose02a.jpg

Desert Rose Specimen

Carnelian Flame PG-carnelianflame16a.jpg

Carnelian Flame

Carnelian Flame PG-carnelianflame17a.jpg

Carnelian Flame

Carnelian Flame PG-carnelianflame18a.jpg

Carnelian Flame

Carnelian Free Form PG-carnelianfreeform01a.jpg

Carnelian Free Form

Amethyst Sphere MIN-amethystsphere34a.jpg

Amethyst Sphere

Purple Agate Lamp Lamp-purpleagate01a.jpg

Purple Agate Lamp

Blue Agate Lamp Lamp-blueagate02a.jpg

Blue Agate Lamp

Pink Agate Lamp Lamp-pinkagate03a.jpeg

Pink Agate Lamp

Blue Agate Lamp Lamp-blueagate04a.jpg

Blue Agate Lamp

Blue Agate Lamp Lamp-blueagate05a.jpg

Blue Agate Lamp

Purple Agate Lamp Lamp-purpleagate06a.jpeg

Purple Agate Lamp

Pink Agate Lamp Lamp-pinkagate07a.jpeg

Pink Agate Lamp

Teal Agate Lamp Lamp-tealagate08a.jpeg

Teal Agate Lamp

Blue Agate Lamp Lamp-blueagate09a.jpeg

Blue Agate Lamp

Purple Agate Lamp Lamp-purpleagate10a.jpg

Purple Agate Lamp

Blue Agate Lamp Lamp-blueagate11a.jpg

Blue Agate Lamp

Purple Agate Lamp Lamp-purpleagate12a.jpg

Purple Agate Lamp

Teal Agate Lamp Lamp-tealagate13a.jpg

Teal Agate Lamp

Amethyst with cut base MIN-amycb01a.jpg

Amethyst with cut base

Carnelian Free Form

Carnelian Free Form

Labradorite Polished Free Form PG-labFF70a.jpg

Labradorite Polished Free Form

Labradorite Free Form PG-labFF71.jpg

Labradorite Free Form

Labradorite Free Form PG-labFF72a.jpg

Labradorite Free Form

Polished Malachite Free Form PG-malachiteFF73a.jpg

Polished Malachite Free Form

Malachite/Chrysocolla Free Form PG-malacola75a.jpg

Malachite/Chrysocolla Free Form

Malachite/Chrysocolla Free Form PG-malacolla76a.jpg

Malachite/Chrysocolla Free Form

Spirit Quartz Specimen MIN-spiritquartz48a.jpg

Spirit Quartz Specimen

Spirit Quartz Specimen MIN-spiritquartz49a.jpg

Spirit Quartz Specimen
